Saturday, January 29, 2011

Opti-B-Bull 1-27-11

The meeting opened as usual with the flag salute and invocation (Wally Johnston) This day in history—1943 more on that later.
Secret Greeter: For the second week in a row Gary Mahone was selected our secret greeter. This week Gary was in the house, not like last week when he was a no show and tried to pull a fast one to no avail.  This week he did catch President Alan for a quick fine.  Gary was told to sit, stay, and be quiet, not sure why?
Birthdays: Lillian Majury (1-29) and Marvin Thompson (today), Lillian wanted to sing to the group but Marv would not have a part of that, so he paid for both.  That was a good thing because I’ve heard Marv sing on the golf course and it’s not what you want to hear that early in the morning, right Scott?
Raffle: Today’s raffle winner was Marv Doty I think! ( I was not listening at that time because I did not  win again ‘shoot’ ) . Doty wins too often for me. Last weeks winner Noel Franz was in the house to collect, but gave it up to the club account, thanks Noel.
Fire Wood: Thanks to the park district guy’s all the logs at the Jenkins Estate have been cut and split ready for stacking by the Optimist to keep it dry and for sale. We now have 10 to 12 cords of wood ready. Jack or Marv will form a work party to help stack the wood.
This day in history: This day in 1943 was when the US 8th Air Force first bombed Germany in the war, trying to eliminate fuel supplies. These planes were dispatched from England.
Speaker:  Today’s guest speaker was Beaverton Chief of Police Geoff Spaulding. Geoff has been with Beaverton for two years now and he reviewed why Beaverton is one of the safest cities in N.W. Oregon, Bend is the other one. Geoff is very proud of   the quickness they settle each of the situations they have before them.  One item they do need is more space for the size of the Department right now they have 137 sworn officers. Thanks Geoff for joining us and we will be having you back soon.
Next week:  The speaker next week will be Arnie Leppert from the Faith Café. Let’s fill up the room again!!!
Next week who will be the secret greeter???
Until then  .... Think about this...

Click here to see the best card trick ever! 

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