Thursday, September 8, 2011


The bell rang then the flag salute and invocation by Marv Doty we were on our way to a great meeting. Then came several this day’s in history 1969,1039,1998,1983 and 1928. 1939 the Germans invaded Poland to start the second world war and 1998 airbags were made mandatory. Alan lets stick with one date even if you give me your list.
Happy Anniversary: To Noel and Eva 8-30 and Jim and Sharon 9-1, Daniel and Pamela 8-28, and Bruce and Lori 8-29.
Happy Birthday: Joan Andersen Wells 9-31 
Guest: This morning our guest was Clancy Kilburn the V.P. at the U S Bank in Beaverton. Clancy was invited by Marv Thompson and is waiting for the bank’s decision about sponsoring his membership in our club.
Raffle: After a pay out to last weeks winner which  was donated to D Mitchell, this weeks winner was Alan. Raffle amount I believe was $3.00 so Alan gets $1.00 if my math is right. (Editor's Note...his math is sooo wrong!)
Welcome back Dick Schouten (busy man) and on his bike.
District Meeting: Alan and Bob Arneson are back from the Seattle meeting where Hillsboro member Bill French was sworn in as District Governor.
No Speaker this morning but the following speakers are coming up.
Sept. 8th           Dave Bishop Retired Beaverton police Chief
Sept. 15th         Martha DeBry City Manager of North Plains
Sept. 22nd         Jim Hough city Manager of Banks
Sept.29th          Allison George of the Washington county Visitors Assoc.
Until then!!  

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