Thursday, March 14, 2013

Minutes from March 7

Out-of-town Bob returned from Maui. He was just in time to help induct his son Matt into our Club. His dad helped apply his pin while acting President Bob gave him certificates and paperwork to make it official. Matt helped with our cleanup at the Jenkins Estate while his father sunned himself in Hawaii. Matt has two little daughters five and two. He is a proud Beaver while his wife Sara is a Duck. He claims to clothe the girls in orange and black? He works at Intell and is planning on taking a sabbatical this summer so he will be available for lots of service projects? Matt and Bob Primrose  seemed overjoyed with the primroses they received and can’t wait to plant them.

Chaplain Wally took us back to 1776 with a puzzle named Sandy and offered to tell whether he was talking hurricanes only if his palm was crossed with shekels. He didn't charge for the prayer. President Bob began with a quick recap of Monday evening’s Board Meeting. We replaced Joe Coss, who left us for his Bend retreat, and asked Susan to take his place on the Board. Bob was still attempting to connect with Park & Rec’s. risk management to determine whether our wood splitting and firewood sales can continue at the Jenkins Estate. Jack stepped up to offer his expertise in building some bulletin boards for Aloha’s new library. Scott Thompson's wife just built one (I think to assign chores for Scott and his sons).  So he will help and Wally explained what sizes are needed and where they are to go. Bob Arneson is working with Fir Grove grade school on their cleanup service project scheduled for April 27th so keep this date open.

Bob has speakers lined up for the 21st…Sally Fabre (Aloha Business Association) and the 28th…Jocelyn (PAL Club) and next week we asked the Hope Pantry folks to send a representative to accept our donation for food or necessary supplies. Bruce Buffington has been appointed by Beaverton’s Police Chief to PAL’s new Board. Bruce will be bringing an officer to join our Club next week. We need to get a new application ready. See our Optimist calendar on our web site for correct speaker spellings.

Bob spent his last weeks raffle winnings on breakfast for speakers and Eric Squires, this morning’s speaker, will collect today’s pot of ½ $11.00. Wally claims the New York Provincial Congress ordered the Sandy Hook lighthouse to be dismantled on this day in 1776 so the invading British ships would crash on the rocks. The idea was devious but the British just installed new equipment so our plot was foiled. New Jersey and New York bickered over ownership of the lighthouse until the federal government assumed control of all lighthouses in 1787. In 1996 the Sandy Hook lighthouse, the oldest original lighthouse on the United States, passed into the jurisdiction of the National Park Service. It remains in operation as part of the Gateway National Recreation Area.

Eric Squires spoke to us about an Aloha Historical Society which he cleverly wrapped up with an audio visual demonstration with the latest inexpensive gadgets which could record our meeting’s proceedings and he explained how he did this with his CPO 6 meetings for which he is the honcho. They don’t just talk about land use nowadays. He is having a candidates' forum with folks running for the water board and the school district. His CPO is really a city club in disguise.

Besides being involved with the CPO he also got the wheels rolling in starting Aloha’s new library. And he belongs to the Aloha Business Association with our own Wally. He also is involved with the Washington County Museum and Beaverton Historical Society. Eric brought a friend with him, Anthony Mills, who is a sociologist with a degree in Poly Sci. who spent time in Russia and Micronesia. He likened Eric to Benjamin Franklin because he has so many interests and involved in so many things. We need both of these folks to join our club.

Eric offered to show any of our members how to operate this equipment and to put us in touch with “Free Geek” so we can build our own computers. (First I need to learn how to run my phone!) On behalf of the Club, Wally presented Eric with a children’s book, “It Happened on a Train” to be given to Aloha’s new library.

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