Friday, December 17, 2010

Opti- B – Bull 12-16-10

This morning we held our Christmas breakfast buffet and gift exchange.   As always we invited our spouses, neighbors, and friends. We even had one daughter and granddaughter.
The morning was opened with our flag salute followed by Wally’s invocation.
Prior to breakfast, we made a call to past Pres. Jim Cates in Silverton ( I think we woke him) to sing happy birthday.  I hope this met with your satisfaction Jim.  Happy birthday was on the 12th.
Each year we order a breakfast buffet (which was great) but there was one thing missing, Pat’s wonderful cookie assortment. Yes Pat, we missed you.
Now on to the gift exchange.    As we entered with a gift we were given a number. As the numbers were called to select your gift at random, you had a choice to trade your ticket for a opened gift or select one from the table.  Simple and no confusion (wrong), some were hiding their gifts so they could not be traded.  All in all we always have a great time and it’s fun to see a full room.
In addition to the gift exchange we collected canned goods for the Sunshine Pantry.  And we added a collection for our server for such good service throughout the year.
Next week 12-23-10 our speakers are the outgoing and incoming scoutmasters of our troop we sponsor though the year. Please plan to attend and thanks to Bob Arneson for inviting them as speakers.
Our December 30th meeting (if you can attend) will be open for sharing what wonderful gift and Christmas you had with your families.  MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!
Until then…
Monday we’ve scheduled a solar eclipse for your pleasure…the mgmt.

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