My apologizes I completely forgot to type up last Thursday's breakfast minutes.
Our guests were Doug and Melinda from the Aloha Community Library. As well as Tom Colett, who was our speaker.
A presentation followed for the bulletin boards that the club had worked on. The wood for the frames came from trees Jack used to have in his yard when he lived in Aloha. Jack also made mounting blocks for each bulletin board. Wally sent out a link, over the weekend, that was on the Aloha Community Library page. If you haven't seen it here is the link:
Thank you to all those who were involved. The boards look incredible.
There is a book drive on May 4, 2013. The library also has an Annex where they sell books on amazon to make money for the library. Wally has put a link on our website for the Aloha Community Library if you'd like to check it out.
Melinda reported that the library has 1,700 books in circulation.
Alan, Jack & Bob all went up to the Jenkins Estate this last week and split wood.
Last weeks raffle winner was Alan this week was Jack, he mentioned he wanted his winnings donated to the Dean Mitchell Scholarship Fund.
Melinda mentioned an event coming up that is free for Mothers Day. Barefoot Quilt Festival at the Jenkins Estate. It is in the stable on Saturday and Sunday May 11 & 12th from 11-4. Here is a link I found online just now:
Westside singers concert, Wally has tickets.
Business of the month speaking to us this Thursday, Electronics Unlimited.
NW Bicycle Safety Council has started their helmet fairs. We started this past Saturday at Cedar Hills Crossing, we gave out 176 helmets in 2 hours. It was one of the busiest events I remember in the last 5 years. This coming Saturday we will be in Vernonia. If you are interested in volunteer contact me, Susan Nordstrom as I'm the volunteer coordinator for NWBSC events.
Tom Colett was our speaker today. He's a candidate for school board Zone 7 in the Beaverton School District, his daughter is in the public school system this year and his wife is a teacher in the Beaverton School District. If you'd like to learn more about him Voting is May 21st.
This day in history was 1983, Russian leader Yuri Andropov wrote to a U.S. Student.
Board meeting this coming Monday May 6, 2013 at 6:30pm at PAL.
Our website:
Also I created a website for the MS groups I belong to and wanted to share with you so if you know anyone looking for other's to socialize with, here is that link:
Have a good week and see you in 4 days.
Susan Nordstrom